Most orchid resources recommend a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 which is slightly acidic. In any given orchid pot, your growing media, water and fertilizer all work together to determine the pH in that particular pot. Pine bark and fir bark, popular orchid growing media, are naturally acidic with pH often in the range of 4.0 – 5.0. Orchid bark mixes with lower inherent pH means your orchid is depending on water and fertilizer to raise the pH into the optimal range – an interaction often left to chance. This is further challenged because as the growing media breaks down over time, its pH can fall further. Fortunately, Orchiata orchid bark is pH adjusted during its unique aging process to deliver a potting media that is already in the optimal range right out of the bag. Orchiata’s hard internal structure results in minimal breakdown helping to avoid pH degredation. If you think your orchid is not living up to its potential, consider checking the pH. You may find its time to change your potting media.
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